On The Sal Greco Show episode 72, comedian and world renowned President Donald Trump impersonator Jason Scoop is a guest and discusses his origins, his recent dust up with Robert Deniro and Alex Baldwin, crime in NYC and more! https://youtu.be/8xz0ExDwCd0?si=SAnUFtCiFIrccRT0 …
The Sal Greco Show episode 71
On Episode 71 of The Sal Greco Show, Pete DiMiceli of Protect Our Children New York comes on to discuss what his organization is about. What POCNY does day to day, how they collaborate with law enforcement to stop child trafficking and bring awareness to parents across New York City. https://youtu.be/WFUmMxZuBxA?si=J8R4LaOVzq3FMEuB …
The Sal Greco Show episode 70
On episode 70 of The Sal Greco Show, the Finest Unfiltered’s Marlon Bethel comes on in the second of a two part series that helps break down the Eric Adams criminal syndicate that has plagued NYC and its taxpayers for 4 years now and counting, with connections back to shady foreign real estate developers. https://youtu.be/23jkYF_KvU4?si=XQNQDHDFL1Bjog0H …
The Sal Greco Show Episode 69
On episode 69 of The Sal Greco Show, the Finest Unfiltered’s Marlon Bethel come on in the first of a two part series that helps break down the Eric Adams criminal syndicate that has plagues NYC and its taxpayers for 4 years now, and the connections back to shady foreign real estate developers. https://youtu.be/pQGa8IvAgg4?si=OKSzqhBAhMpBRXAx …
The Sal Greco Show episode 68
The Former CFO of Crazie Eddie’s and now the people’s comptroller Sam Antar is a guest on The Sal Greco Show episode 68 and broke down the potential financial crimes he found auditing NY AG Tish James on her financial disclosures, along with the true NYC crime stats. https://youtu.be/zsoGycmMYAo?si=o2pd-nu6thY5asNJ …
The Sal Greco Show Episode 67
On episode 67 of The Sal Greco Show, former NYC corrections commissioner, prosecutor and now defense attorney Sarena Townsend comes on the show to discuss the fiasco of the Justice Department attempting to dismiss the Eric Adams criminal indictment in the SDNY as we analyze new documents filed in the case. We also look into a new corruption case involving the NYPD which now gives proof to prior claims made on the Sal …